Stress Relief Clinic, Relaxation, letting go of tension, anger, worry. 1 to 1, Group, Corporate Stress Reduction Workshops and Training

Stress is a big issue for modern times. People are put under immense pressure to "perform", to "deliver", to "meet expectations", to "comply" and so on. Often times, such pressures are unnecessary and counterproductive.

Most people use their conscious thought processes to "cope" with tension, stress, work, anger, etc. That may work in the short term but eventually it leads to an unhealthy lifestyle and disease. Normally, we are not taught how to deal with stress. The people responsible for creating the stress are mostly unaware about stress reduction and stress relief techniques and methods. (Some are aware - but they don't care).

There are many ways you can learn to relax and to take control of your life. That leads to personal satisfaction and fulfillment.

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Also, Corporate Stress Management Solutions

Stress in the news ...

More than 1/3 of homeowners in foreclosure suffer from major depression

The home foreclosure epidemic may be taking its toll on health as well as wallets. Nearly half of people studied while undergoing foreclosure reported depressive symptoms, and 37 percent met screening criteria for major depression, according to new University research. Many also reported an inability to afford prescription drugs, and skipping meals.

University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine / American Journal of Public Health 08 09  ©
CAM Practitioners, Certified Trainers and Teachers, Writers

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Harley Street Clinic, Complementary and Alternative Medicine, CAM Clinic and Training, Holistic Wellness Clinic, Holistic Clinic, Therapy

Stress Management Clinic, 1 to 1, Group, Corporate Stress Reduction Workshops and Training ... Harley Street Clinic ...